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A.I. Agency Opportunity

The above video presentation focuses on the potential of AI in the business world, highlighting the opportunities and challenges it presents. Barnaby Andersun, found of ChatCapital speaks for one hour here on the importance of positioning oneself for an AI-driven world, as AI is growing exponentially. He goes on to discuss the challenges businesses face in implementing AI, such as scaling and leveraging AI to improve customer service. We highly recommend you watch all of this presentation as it provides insights into the benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, scalability, and the ability to provide personalized customer experiences. But most importantly it reveals how you can profit from running your own AI Agency.

Key Points Discussed

  1. AI is growing exponentially, how you can position yourself for the next $5 Trillion industry
  2. Two out of three consumers are already using AI but don’t even realize it
  3. Most businesses want to adopt AI but are not clear how and are seeking serviced consulting
  4. AI can automate routine tasks and even repetitive phone conversations
  5. How you can free up live calling staff to provide value where they’re most needed
  6. How AI can help a business with scaling, marketing, content creation, design, data analysis, and customer service
  7. AI can provide personalized customer experiences, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
  8. Implementing AI can be challenging, which is why ChatCapital offers a complete Done For You system
  9. Reveals exactly how businesses can best position themselves for an AI-driven world


To take advantage of the opportunities presented by AI, businesses should consider implementing AI solutions that can help them automate routine and repetitive tasks, improve customer service, and provide personalized customer experiences.

This can include using AI-powered calling agents to handle routine phone calls and conversations, leveraging AI for marketing and content creation, and using AI for data analysis and predictive analysis on sales, service, and delivery operations.

By positioning themselves for an AI-driven world, a business can take advantage of the benefits of AI and stay ahead of the competition.

A.I. Agency Presentation Transcript

So you are allocating your time into something. Does it have leverage? Does it have scalability?

That’s what today’s discussion is all about. And at the heart of it, we’ve kept on mentioning this AI a whole bunch of times because AI is growing exponentially. And are you positioned for an AI world? That’s what you want to be asking yourself, because it’s already around $billion in value, and or to two out of three consumers are already using it, and they don’t even know, like it’s constantly there in the background.

And, most businesses around the world have either adopted it to some extent or are wanting to very much. But let’s look at some of the the challenge is that people are facing that have they’ve always faced and actually increasingly so. And a lot of it is to do. I keep on mentioning this scaling and this is really the first part of this conversation today is aimed at business owners.

If you have a business, then I bet this actually is resonating with you that there were challenges for you when hiring staff. Yeah. Does that resonate? later on in this presentation, I’m going to be addressing those of you who don’t have a business yet, and I’ve got something that’s sure to show you how you can start making, an incredible income online.

But before we get to that, I just want to address those people who’ve already got a business and some of the the headaches that they probably got. So, basically, people do find they struggle, with there being a shortage on talent, that it’s difficult to attract the right talent. These are some stats here. and, often the entry people coming in are often very hard to find.

So that was something that I certainly found. You know, you heard me saying that I saw that I was forced to go looking overseas for, for staff back even like years ago. And, but what I always found was a bottleneck, whether it was actually working on a project by myself. And I had to go find the right people or even with a large team.

And I kept on facing this bottleneck of how can I get everything done, efficiently and for not spending too much. But eventually I after looking at this for many, many years and being so grateful that I suddenly turned up, I found and was able to create the solution. That’s what I’m excited about and that is chat capital.

I’ve put together chat Capital to solve this because what we’re really addressing and it’s going to be something big. This is what all business if you’re in a business, you know, that typically is the case, that you have a limit on your growth based upon the amount of people in your organization. That’s why the big companies are always you know, sharing how many thousands of staff they’ve got or like a staff that that’s meant to be a like a badge of honor.

But it is also there’s a lot of work in that, obviously. I mean, people have got they’ve got something to do, they’ve got to do something and we want to grow companies. But we’re seeing this massive change now with AI and the ability for it to scale and enable everybody to do two times, five times, ten times more than they were able to do before.

And so and when companies were hiring, when they hire new staff, you know, the time delay of getting somebody up to speed, the cost of training, the cost of hiring them, you know, that actually is an impediment to a lot of small businesses actually growing, because often they won’t even hire somebody they don’t even know what to do.

They’d rather just pile everything on themselves. How many people out there can anybody relate? You’d rather just do everything yourself then go through the trouble of hiring somebody, and in the process, you exhaust yourself, right? So you don’t want to do that. You really do need to grow. Okay. And I’ve got this incredible solution because that was the way up until now, there’s been this breakthrough that was never possible before, thanks to AI agents, these little bots that you can make guess what?

When you spin them up, they work /and there is no limit to the amount of work that they can do, the type of work they can do, you can basically get them to do anything you can imagine. And what we’re looking at today especially, is getting them to be able to make any kind of call or text response or messaging in a fully automated system, a CRM, a customer relationship management system.

You probably familiar with this idea of a CRM. It’s a fancy word for a database management system. Okay, that’s really at the heart of how many businesses and companies operate these days for KPI key performance indicator monitoring, technical service, customer management, promotions, emails, all of that can be managed the whole operation essentially inside your CRM. Now, what about really dialing that in and bringing AI in to be able to respond with leverage, getting back to everybody /

You see, that’s what we’ve done here with Chat Capital. One of the many things we’ve done actually, but one of them is giving you the ability to enhance your lead qualification process. So the sales and marketing funnel, we’re able to help you through automated processes, qualify more leads in less time, reach them faster. You know, these days when they respond on a Facebook and Instagram ad, you’ve only got a few minutes until they go cold.

How are you always going to stay on top of it? Especially in an internationally networked world? You need to have automated processes and then after they’ve been touched, even automatically, you can then pass on that as a warm lead to the real humans who are working for you. Those people, those closers, those people, or maybe even yourself. You’re going to be able to qualify way more leads.

And this is across all types of industry, whether it be real estate or insurance or education or all sorts of elements. Now you want to be thinking that, guess what? If you’re not doing this, there’s a high likelihood that your competitors are okay, because this is the moment right now, while people are still kind of scratching their head to make AI your biggest advantage moving forward instead of the disadvantage that leaves you behind.

So I automation is the ultimate business upgrade. Sure, we’ve had other things in the past. You know, you’ve had Autoresponders, you’ve had automated SMSes, but nothing like what I’m going to be showing you because I becomes a silent workforce that never gets tired. I never even ask for a raise. And it only gets smarter and smarter the more it works for you.

Okay, this is a game changer. So I’d be getting you to ask yourself, how would you assess your own AI implementation, your own automated setup, and anybody that you want to talk to from here on afterwards? Are you going to have a different view of business and just ask people out there who are running a business, how are they going with that?

Because what we can do at chat Capital is we can set up all of these different channels with automated chat bots replying in real time to people like on the on the website, you can have that little chat box down the bottom, which often does have, you know, you’ll do that, you’ll ask them questions and very often there’s a real person there, but these days you won’t even know.

It could be a chat bot. Do you have that running seven? Or what about even calling? Did you know that you can receive a phone call? This is what’s going to be the game changer. That sounds just like a person. And then combining all of that together with like helpdesk, call routing, onboarding of customers, all triggered automatically.

You can wait with us. You can design an entire workflow that has the internal channels connecting with the external channels of your operation. And if you don’t even have any of the stuff that you’d like to, if you’d like to build a well-oiled machine, that’s where we come in. We can help you do that. Essentially, for any industry.

Here’s what we have. We have the Chat Capital CRM. It’s an AI automation system, okay. But it’s way more than all of that, okay. Because what we actually have is the customizations to make it work. Exactly for you with some very, very special secret sauce. Okay. I mean, this has got everything it well over features, all the funnels that you would need.

The calendar integration, full automation, the marketing, the, the automated triggers on everything that you could think of from estimations to emails and, even a learning management system. It’s got a lot. And what we’ve what I’ve been doing a lot lately is building out these really clever workflows. This is just little simple little examples here of how you can automate and trigger different responses.

You know, so when you have somebody on a web page, do you know that it’s contract, that it can follow them even around the web? And when they land somewhere on one of your sites, it triggers and then they can get an email sent to them. And then once it reads the email, it can send them an SMS.

It can send them an appointment booking form. You can do all of this. And he’s like, he’s up a trigger list. Imagine like the email goes out and when they read the email, it triggers an SMS that says, hey, thanks for reading that email, which then triggers a voicemail to them saying asking them how they’re doing that day and if they’d like some help, which also invites them in the next stream to fill out a booking form.

And then that triggers an appointment set up an AI cola that sounds just like a person. Or even what if you’re chasing money? You know, nobody really likes that job. You know the accounts receivable department, if that’s a division of your of your own company or people that you know and they’re struggling, they’re having a tough time with that because nobody really like sitting there and calling people, guess what?

You can have a system that never tires works /Calling people in your operation saying chasing any outstanding bills. So what we have here is well over tools in this mega system. Okay, so if you were to buy everything collectively, it’d be well over $actually per month. Okay. But what we’ve got with this particular system is a special offer that brings all that to you for just under $for the year.

And if you want to have the actual AI calling system, which I’ve been mentioning here, you’re going to get a demo of that and very shortly, that means you get to play with this yourself. This is when you run everything for yourself. If you want to deep dive into the system, get your hands dirty, get under the bonnet, go through all this with your website builder, building out surveys and forms, adding doing everything with internet marketing.

The Sims two way backwards and forwards all being logged in a CRM with pipeline management, tracking all the sales with appointment setting, with all those automated workflows, those triggers you were seen even connecting up the courses and products and payments. The call tracking, the reputation management, everything is here. Even document signing plus like a lot, lot more. And we can even build into this kind of system, all of the inbound and outbound marketing that you might want to run, and you haven’t even had time for whether it be paper click ads or social media outreach, content marketing, you know, you can dial all of this in, pardon the pun, connect it to automated workflows, okay?

And we can even have more complex systems like look at that kind of workflow that we’ve got running there. That is some real, you know, system ization that’s going on. Whatever you can imagine. We can automate everything inside chat capital. And once it’s up and running it’s seven. These little AI bots and these systems, they never get tired.

You know we want to make it so that when you wake up in the morning, you’re looking at all the messages that have already been answered overnight. How would that be? What would that be like for you? Imagine even your sales teams getting in there and seeing all the qualified leads being answered straight up right off the bat.

Okay, we can set these kind of streams up inside, you know, lead scoring, predictive analysis on your sales, service, delivery operations, chat bots, even, even cybersecurity detection. All of this can be improved because what I does is it does more than just improve operations. It fully automates. Imagine this kind of powerhouse inside any company where you get to watch the profits rise as your whole system gets smarter and smarter week in, week out.

This is a compounding effect that we’ve never seen before. This was not even possible before, and the most exciting part is this conversational AI. It sounds just like a person because now you can scale the whole operation unlike we’ve never seen before. You know, you input the leads and the AI is listening and being able to speak back.

It’s comprehending. It’s not like a voicemail system. It’s got dialog management, natural language generation, reinforced learning in every aspect. This can have a huge impact on the growth of your business or any business. You know, increases customer engagement because now they’re getting you can actually do a calls this afternoon, but you couldn’t do that before. This can significantly cut costs in any operation.

and it’s available around the clock. And you can really offer a lot more with your customer engagement. The customer service. And it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. You’re not locked in anymore. Just in thinking this is going to expand your thinking, especially as you go through it step by step. I know this is kind of overwhelming. It’s a lot here guys, I get that, but I’m wanting to.

I only have this little chunk of time with you, and I want to show you really how far we haven’t even got into the the meat of it yet widely. I mean, what I’m just running through here is the overview, okay? Because and this little slide here is comparing like, you know, human rep cooling where they clock on and off.

It’s a manual hiring process. It takes often three months for somebody to get up to speed. They might get burnout. What if they get, overwhelmed? there’s the whole hiring and training. Often there’s a high charged department with all those expenses. And, you have to deal with, with churn. And sometimes it even takes, you know, many months.

And maybe that staff member will even leave after a year and a half. How does that all compare with an AI service agent? Well, they work around the clock seven. You can spin up of them this week if you want it. There’s a zero ramp up. They’ve just got the script and they start speaking. They deliver above average performance out of the gate.

They never have burnout. They never fail to deliver. It’s constantly learning and improving. The more conversations it has without any management is zero liability. It gets actually less expensive the more you do of it and ramps up your scaling, so you even get more profits. And it eliminates any need on your part to have to go and get replacements.

So this can work lockstep with your existing team. Okay. This is not meant to be replacing everything. It’s meant to give you scalability and the ability for you to, qualify leads and have a lot more customer support than you ever thought possible. Okay, let’s have a little, let’s have a little listen and and have you. This is a demo of actually a real estate call.

It’s only three minutes. Have a little listen here. What’s up? Joey? Hey, how’s it going? Hey, it’s going good. Thanks for asking. So, my name is Jessica. I’m actually in artificial intelligence from Investor Feud. My boss is a local investor, and he’s currently looking to buy a property in your area. I know this might be a bit unexpected, but I was wondering if you might have a property or considering selling.

Could you just email me this? Yeah, we can email you. I will get one of my team members on it as soon as possible. But before we do that, I just have a few quick questions about your property. Can I ask you those real quick? Yeah. Awesome. Thanks for your cooperation. Can I get your full name and the address of the property, please?

Joey Thanks, Joey. and what’s your email address? at Got it. Thanks for providing your email, Joey. Now let’s talk about your property. Can you tell me about its general condition? Yeah, it can be a condition. Yeah. Are there any major or minor repairs that need to be done? just a small repair on the kitchen.

Got it. How long have you owned the property? About three years. is anyone living in the property right now? Yeah, just me and my wife. Got it. If it’s a rental property, how much does it typically rent for? About a month. Yeah. And how many bedrooms and bathrooms does it have? three bedroom, two bathroom. Okay.

What’s the condition of the roof and windows? They’re good for condition. Yeah. Have the kitchens or bathrooms been updated within the last three years?

Yeah. Got it. Does the property have any special features? No. Okay. Is the property currently listed with the realtor? No. Amazing. So this property sounds like one we might be interested in. Can you tell me why you’re thinking about selling it? I want to move somewhere else in different state. Got you. And how long have you been considering selling?

Hello. My name? Got it. If you do decide to sell, would you like to do so within days? days? Sometime further out? Probably as soon as possible. To be honest. Yeah. Just a couple more questions. If we buy the property, will we need to pay off any taxes means or a mortgage? No. Okay. I haven’t done my research yet.

Do you happen to know what houses in that area are worth? Yeah, like once million. Makes sense. So then what’s the lowest offer you might consider for your property? A million and a half. Is that at all negotiable? Yeah, I do, I mean, I know it. You know, we will likely want to make an offer on this property.

Someone from our team will put your options and your cash offer together and give you a call. When would be the best time for one of them to call you? maybe p.m. tomorrow. Perfect. I’m excited to hear how the call goes. Thanks for your time, Joey. Have a great rest of your day. It’s a now. Yeah, that was, it was three minutes.

And, there’s a few things about that one. Is that because you now know that it wasn’t actually a real person, especially given that she said that she was an ally at the beginning? which is, you know, that was very kind of her to do that. So he would have known, but some people might not actually know because they’re not used to this kind of thing.

I mean, these days, yes, maybe people are coming on, but the technology keeps on improving month in, month out. And this was a league qualifying call. obviously. And all of those entries that all those questions that she was asking become entries in a database inside our CRM. And they can have other triggers, other workflows, automations set up.

That’s why you saw the complex one. So whatever the answer was, that’s where they get placed in the lead qualifying. Q for the real sales agent, sales agents, the humans to come in and start managing and working with each of these leads. So I think that you you can start to imagine and see just how powerful this really is.

So what we have is we have packages, where you can actually come in and they start at $or less per minute. And the more you buy, obviously, the cheaper that they get. And so that’s what we’ve got here, is a system that is, as much as the, the business wants to do in the calling and as complex or as simple as they want it.

And yes, there’s a range in packages to get all this set up. There’s quite a bit to it to get full automations and everything I’ve been showing you here. all dialed in. I mean, to be honest, some of them will start at like $for the full setup. That’s if you want us to come in and automate your whole process.

What about going to the enterprise? What if you’ve got a very large organization and you want to automate a lot of it? It could be in the tens or even, to be honest, hundreds of thousands. It depends how complex your operation is because we at check out. But we can take any type of voice call or text chat bot and build it for you and implement it and connect it to the CRM and run your whole operation automatically.

Maybe not the whole operation, I mean. But if you wanted to, if you’re a single person and you’re like, well, I just want to go to town, I want to build out and make it like I’ve got like staff and run the whole thing automatically. Guess what? You can do that now. And you could not do that even six months ago, because the cost effectiveness of this for sales, marketing, technical assistance, call center operations, oh my goodness, can you start to imagine how far reaching this is going to be for customer support, consumer help, lines of all different types, real estate inquiries, appointment centers, coaching, accounts receivables.

There’s so many different areas where what we would do if you’re interested in this sort of thing, if you want to automate and just scale, we’d come into your business, come into your company, find with you the inefficiencies, make workflow maps and look at where the blocks are. Where are those bottlenecks? Like what you saw me talking about, and start to show you how we can help you scale and start to get more time and money, make more profits out of your operation.

So we do an implementation roadmap with you, a deep dive into account operations and figure out what are your goals. What do you actually what’s been your dream? Why did you set all this up? Remember, this is the part or the presentation for somebody who has a business. You set this up for a reason. And then we craft a comprehensive, tailored AI integration strategy, a strategic development phase with solution engineering that’s custom developed just for your operations.

Okay, with the voice AI systems, you know, with the right voice that you want, even multiple agents, you can have male sounding females, different accents, even different languages. This is really we can penetrate all different markets with this. What if you wanted to start accessing the Latin markets and you didn’t have anybody speaking Spanish on your team? This is what’s available now or even getting into Asia.

What if you want to like where I am at the moment in the world, the the world start opening up in ways that you had perhaps never thought before. And the growth planning, setting a course for scalable market expansion. So this is basically what we believe to be the biggest disruption to business this decade. The power of human like AI conversations is disruption at a scale no one’s ever seen.

Because AI is getting close to be good enough to sound just like a human, and it become this would become as as you. I think it’s beginning to dawn on you. One of the most valuable technologies in history. Conversational AI impacts sales and customer service in a way, and a scale that no one’s ever seen. So there we have it.

The future is AI powered in every respect. Really. So what’s going to be your move? What are you starting to see as possible now? Because I’ve got an idea for you. That’s that’s if you’ve got the business running. That’s for anybody, you know, who’s got a business and they want to scale it, they want to, basically make more money and get more time out of it.

Well, what about you? If you just want to, how would you like to make $million in especially with only working four hours a day? Well, if you don’t have a business or if you’d like, in addition to the one, you have to start scaling something new. Do you know what the actual secret to success is going to be in for success online, and potentially actually just success in general?

This is where you’re going to start learning some very, very cool stuff. It’s attention. Attention is really everything. That’s what this whole game is about. Now. It’s about the eyeballs and it’s probably always been about that. So it’s about harnessing the attention. And then this is the me. I’m going to be showing you some amazing formulas here. Right now.

We’re diving in deeper here. It’s owning that attention. So firstly you have to get the attention. This is when you start scaling exponentially. That’s what we’re talking about here. You want to get more clients get their attention and then own it through clever content. And this part here, this next step, the third step, you can see their education.

This is the game changer. And this is what we’re going to be teaching you when you join us over at Chat Capital. This is what you’re going to start getting access to. Everything I’m about to start showing you okay. The educational component, which will educate your leads to qualify them and make them hot, lead to out wanting desperately to buy from you and then bring that into the conversion mechanics.

That’s the four steps, the attention. That’s it. You get the attention and you own the attention. Then you educate them to make them love you and then bring them conversion mechanics with a no brainer offer that you give them the offer. This is the next steps here with the data collection where you with that already educated through this process, through leverage selling, you’ve created goodwill and then you have the automated booking, the appointment to close the deal.

But don’t don’t we’re not stopping there. I have a lot more to show you because this is actually just part of a complete three phase implementation program. You see, this is so much more than just a piece of software. This is a complete buildout of automation, where phase one is all about your niche and your offer, the market to the target market.

Over there in phase one, you can see the pink and purple that the target market and the offer. This needs to be dialed in. And that’s what you’d be accessing when you work with chat capital okay. This is far beyond just the software which then leads into that phase two of everything I just went through. That’s the phase two.

Before that, the first part there was the attention to how are you going to get that? You’re going to get that with a target market and an offer that’s literally put out there. Now you’ve got that attention. You then you own the attention. Because if you’re very clever content that guess what, if you if you are strapped for the cash or creativity or time, the AI can now step in.

Do you know we have the technology savvy here to be able to capture any type of video online and repurpose it, even create whole new videos all from I. This could be spun up seven automatically with voice overs. This is so powerfully possible now in ways that you would blow your mind of how you own the attention, and you educate them through a lead capture process with automated messages, through the whole CRM that’s watching them what they do and then giving them some new content and gradually taking them to that conversion point.

And then the third step, the fulfillment. Well, let’s break this down because those are some high level overviews, but we really do all this in when you come and work with us a chat capital. Look at this. This is the whole phase one done for you. We literally build out all of these components here from the market, gathering your insights and resources.

The promise. This is your promise and your company. Who who could get the biggest ROI from accessing them? Who can almost guarantee the success. And then we go on and on, like through the offer. What’s the core belief? What’s the resonance, the mechanics? How does the no brainer offer work, etc.? We even take you all the way through to how could you build this out to be a seven figures?

And then we move into the done for you phase two. Look at how many components Ikea. These are all the elements that we can build into your complete automated process. Of all the mechanisms, all the ads, all the outbound, all the inbound that are being tracked and connected into the CRM to bring all those customers in and all those leads and having them followed up automatically step by step, we have the complete automation processes that we can just download out, customize specifically for you.

These maps that I’m showing you here, that’s not all this is looking at how far we’ve got to go like this. That’s this is the next part, the owning the attention. We’re walking you through the I’m showing you here actually what we are able to build out for you specifically and how you would own their attention. And then the educational process, literally this is the workflow maps of how we would build this out for you.

Because to be honest, I don’t know if you’re going to do this yourself. This might not be your bag. It’s this is going your heart out. You could I’m giving you the secret to you. You could take our system, just the bare base software if you want it and do it yourself. But if you want experts to stand with you, holding your hand still in this phase two here of the done for you the conversion mechanisms, okay, the VSL, the sales calls, the retargeting ads, the sales scripts, all of this dialed in built out for you.

This is way beyond just a funnel or just a website or some autoresponders. This is a complete blueprint engineered for your automated success. And then obviously the fulfillment at the end of it, a complete customer flow journey. Okay, and that’s not all. Imagine if you want to go even further and you want the whole content marketing done for you, so you can start generating that $per month coming in.

You can see, I mean, this doesn’t have to this doesn’t happen in month one. This is scaling you up, but the processes are all the foundation is light. Okay. That’s what the setup whole process is. Even the PPC ads, you know, if you want to start running the ads to really scale even more, imagine that you want to start even making half a million per month.

All of this is possible. But gradually, step by step, you know, and that’s what we have here in these blueprints I’ve just been walking through. Do you want to do this yourself, or would you like all that done for you? Because what we have with that capital is a complete business service that does scale from anywhere from like the $

I think you can start to see why it would be in this order to even over thousand. It depends how much you want to step into this, because we want to see you succeed. And there is there would be like an ongoing monthly fee there as well. But you could do this yourself if you want to pull your sleeves and get in there.

And as I was saying, the talk time is just charge at that per minute. It really depends what direction you want to go here. If you listen to some advice from buffet, it’s not about how fast you roll, it’s about choosing the right stream. So that’s what I’m offering you today is to join the I stream with Chat Capital.

Because what I’ve just unveiled to you is not just the next billion dollar opportunity for the world. It’s $trillion opportunity because it’s like $trillion spent in the whole customer sales service sector. And we are seeing a seismic shift in that which you can jump into and capitalize on, because very few people understand this. And I’m inviting you right now into this whole new opportunity, which is as an AI agency, if you like the sound of what I’ve been saying, if you think, wow, what could I do to get into this?

And if you’re not technical, then we are your partner for that. If you like the sounds of this, if you want to follow that number one rule in business of selling something that people want, well, they all know about AI. Now they’re all in love with ChatGPT, but they don’t quite know exactly what to do with it. And you’re able to come in here with them to companies that could be spending, you know, like even a small company spending $a month and you can show them how to have savings dramatically.

I mean, this is very intense, I know, but this is coming for everybody. And the future is actually already here. I’ve shown you how this is working. It’s actually real. I can do this full implementation for you right now, even with the voice calling the SMSes, the emails, the full automate all that stuff I was showing you with the paper clicks, you know, the the ramp up of the automated.

It’s incredible what you can do, especially as the AI is even outperforming all the qualifying leads and the appointment setting. Can you believe that? Like the average industry, %, we’re getting like %? Okay. So this is really this is something to look at. This is a pioneering disruption. You can harness this power. Because now that AI is good enough to sound like a person, it’s it’s extraordinary that we actually have this right now.

Wasn’t possible six months ago. If you’ve missed any of these previous tech booms, like the whole telecommunications in the s with the phones and in in the late late s, the smartphone revolution when all the apps got released. And even Bitcoin, if you if you feel like you’ve missed all of these different components, well, you haven’t missed the lot because right now the biggest one is upon us.

So each of these tech waves created millionaires and even billionaires. And we are at the beginning, the inception of the next one. Right now. This in my years, I’ve only seen this happen once each decade. And I was spent all last year figuring out what was the killer app, what was going to be the main killer app here for AI.

And then when I saw how it could sound just like us, and how you could automate the whole process and build that scalable teams into infinity, I was like, wow, this is something for the little guy as well as the enterprise. Okay, so you can seize this moment because this is actually perfect for wherever you’re at. If you’re an established agency, if you’ve already got something running that this will slot into, if you’re already offering some design services or some, calling services or some coaching services, any of these sort of things, this can just slot in.

Or what if even if you’re like a, an electrician or a plumber or you already have clients that are already in the business area, you can just ask them, would they like to bring some automation in? Or maybe you’re a new entrepreneur and you’re looking for that next opportunity or an opportunistic investor. Or maybe you have a network like we have right now of people who you think would be interested.

You are in the right place at the right time. Here’s the spending on all those reps worldwide. This you want to start thinking like, where is there a big blue ocean of opportunity where everybody from the small business through to the fortune companies, they just don’t even know. I pretty much guarantee they have not seen what you’ve seen right now.

How one client, a large imagine this like a you could be going into a company that has like reps in the spending millions. You could be showing them how to save significantly on that bottom line. And they don’t have to start right away with everything. They could just start with like appointment setting and lead qualification. And as they get more comfortable because this is a big deal for anybody, it’s going to take a moment for them to wrap their head around it.

That’s why you stepping in as being the only one who knows in your circle, because you’ve seen the future. And what about all the other digital agencies out there who are fighting over PPC, pay per click ads and, you know, Facebook ads and let them do that because they haven’t seen what you have seen in this wide open blue market of AI automation in every area that we’ve just discussed, especially those the ability to sound like people on the calls at scale.

So I’m inviting you to $million opportunity here. You get to choose your million dollar operation. Do you want to have your if you have a car business where you want to have an outfit ID done for you, we create the full implementation of your infrastructure. Okay? You get to say goodbye to all those complexities of having to figure it out yourself.

We handle the tech and you grow the business, and we meet up and we help you scale with all that backend support or and or what if in addition to that, or if you don’t, if you’re just looking for something new, you can embark on $million journey where you get a complete AI agency out of the box, a business in the box where we take care of all the tech, all the automation set up.

We be your digital partner in the AI industry. You promote the services with your brand. Okay. But your partner as, a partner with capital, okay, you get to join this AI revolution. I mean, I don’t know what this is doing for you. I’m hoping he was excited as I am because I’m like, wow, this is really remarkable.

You’re going to get to futureproof your own career because you can see where this is going for this next decade, right? If you’ve been worried about, like, you know, any sort of, becoming redundant, this is you’re getting ahead of the curve because I is a service that every business needs. And this is a turnkey system that I’m bringing to you right now with a stent, which will make you stand out with this very high proposition.

Okay. With our program, the AI, the artificial intelligence becomes your edge. It’s not an obstacle. And you can start to make serious profits. These are just some examples here where if you go into a company with just and this is just on the minutes, you know, like with the, let’s say ten reps, you could be making dollars a year, just passive income.

These are passive incomes here. What about, you know, ten clients with ten reps each. You’ve been making over $a year just on the minutes. The sharing in that that doesn’t include any of that. I set about showing you just getting in to companies and helping them get this set up and start talking those minutes and watching them see the impact.

And here are some steps on, like, how do you scale your whole operation into over $million? Okay. Yeah. This is a sort of a big a deal where the biggest example there is where you get ten clients. This is you as the AI agency. If you like the sound of this, if you’re inspired, you could get ten clients with reps each.

Okay. And that would give you over half a million of that yearly talk time. When you work it out. I know we’d be assisting you with this would be walking you through, step by step, a whole process of how to scale your own operation as an agency partner, so that you could turn this into an over $million year in

Okay, that’s the potential here with Jet Capital. We do everything for you, all the tech. And as an agency partner, you’re able to offer all these services the voice calling, the CRM, the integrations, the automations, the chatbots, those like nobody else. And you don’t have to do this tech set up and we give you all those maps, we actually give you the implementation.

We don’t even just give you the maps. We’re actually doing that with you only inside of our operation. Now, I think it’s time for you to start thinking like, wow, like, how do I just do something that’s insanely profitable? That’s a no brainer. Saves businesses money, you know, it’ll save the money just when inflation is happening and get them all profits at the same time.

And so this is how money can escalate. You know, as being your partner, helping you set things up. And if you go out there and you could bring this even into the enterprise where they would be looking at very large setups, okay. And you could be making these same kind of, returns on them, and you might even just pass them over to us.

You might want to have us close them for you, and we’d be happy to do so. And we would still be rewarding you as one of our partners. Okay, so you’d be getting the leads, converting them into the high paying ticket clients, and getting the bots all refined. Okay. And your clients would be accessing all of our done for you funnels.

The automations, the scripts, everything that you would need to get your agency pumping and your clients making more money and referring more business to you. What you would also get is your own fully set up AI CRM system with, you know, your own funnels, website branding, all those workflows so that you’re actually experiencing it yourself offers that will scale you to $million.

These done for you templates. The booking system, all the latest tech. I’m going to be showcasing some very exciting tech developments with you in a minute as well. If that wasn’t exciting enough, you get all of these blueprints I was walking you through. Done for you when you were one of our agency partners, because that’s what I’m that was excited about.

That’s what I’ve been excited about inviting you into. Is that okay? Giving you the ability to start making money out of the gate? Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, what’s the investment? you know, we were thinking, do we charge $million for this? No, we want to make it much more accessible. So it’s $at the moment. We have ten spots open for the next ten people that want to step in.

And all of that pricing that you saw. You are getting % of that right off the bat. Okay. That’s what you get. You get to go out there, get the leads, work with the people onboard them, just collect the data from them, ask them what they need, do the maps with them of like, oh, this is the this is the process and we’ll be helping you each step of the way.

You have a whole kit of all the questions to ask them. We are literally your partner in getting the information of the clients, and you are collecting that % on the spend. So we even help you. You get access to all of our pricing. All of the products support. This is a complete business in a box. So we do all the heavy lifting and you are just the front people in an industry that’s currently worth.

It’s grown in the last year to two on almost billion, but by it’s set to be billion. And these are the growth areas of all the different markets. You know, health care, education, manufacturing, advertising, automation or automotives. It just goes on and on. And guess what? One of they are seeing the biggest growth sector is AI services.

The actual service area it’s going to have by the biggest growth of all of them. Have a look at that. And the leading area of the world obviously is still going to be North America. The rest of the world is going to play a big part. But North America is whether it’s the most intensive attention. So when we’re looking at this like, wow, I mean, the the hardware layer that’s super complex and that’s being taken care of, the building of the software layer, you know, that’s what you’re talking to.

People like me and my team, we love that stuff. That’s probably not your bag. But what is your bag. It’s talking to people. It’s reaching out. It’s doing that handholding, that service. And that’s where we’re going to see the biggest growth over the rest of this decade. With a compounding annual growth rate of over %. That’s where this is coming, right?

I think this is that Bloomberg. So that’s what we’re seeing here is such a huge proliferation of people stepping into AI, needing it for their companies as their competitors step up. And so the setup fees are there because there’s a lot of work to be done. This is way more than just building a website and it’s managing it and it’s giving you giving the clients the the proof, the it’s going to see their profits and their time increasing.

And you as the agency, well guess what. From your first month you can be getting a return back that even covered your setup fees because you just taking this out there and those commissions does very well. I wanted to design this. So that was a very healthy commission in there because you are literally handholding and bringing those clients over to us.

And so you need to be rewarded for that and incentivized appropriately. So I’m saying that with the right, system and help yourself to take this where you want to go, you’d be covering all the setup costs. So what we see here is, the giving you the blueprint, you yourself with our pricing. So you’re even able to go out there and charge clients to $right out of the gate.

Okay. I have all these maps here to show you, that you’re going to have to prove to clients how this can work. And they can start small, and you can grow them so that you can start running an agency yourself that’s making grand a month. That’s where I want to get you. Okay. That’s the whole point of this is how could you turn this whole thing around?

Because that’s what is available right now. This is so new. And on top of that, we’ve built this to have its own affiliate marketing system. You could build out your own army of affiliates. And how would that work? Well, the affiliates would be getting % of the so you’d be sharing it with them, but they are going out there and bringing you.

So those people who can’t afford the $but they want to be an affiliate and they just want to get %, and they’re bringing you as an agency. So you’re getting the difference. So you’ve actually got a partner out there making a nice profit. You know what? If they go and get, like a, like a $client and they get two grand, okay, that’s the incentive for the agent, for the, for the affiliate, and then you on top of that, you’re getting the other, $in that particular example.

And then we actually take care of all of the work, all the building, and you just collect the, the forms and walk them through some workflow charts. I mean, I’m thinking that this could be, or should be very exciting for the right kind of people. Okay. That’s what that’s why we’re excited about helping you get on board, getting that %.

The agencies with the affiliates being your partner, if you have that right kind of network, then I’m sure you’re starting to see, wow, like even just getting one client a month, let alone getting five clients that month and covering all this setup. So this is really the widest disruption that I’ve seen thus far in tech in all these last years.

So the impact on the sales is at a scale that none of us have ever seen before. And where else could you even what if I just sharing this sort of thing with the enterprise? Where else can you get like $commission? Like right out of the gate? That is what is possible with this kind of infrastructure. Our mission here at Tech Capital is to enable entrepreneurs like you to access that purpose while equipping you with the done for you infrastructure.

You need to realize the potential, your potential as fast as humanly possible so you can experience life’s greatest joy. More time. That’s what this is about you getting more access to leveraging scalability to win back your time in life. That is what is so exciting, so kind of getting towards the end. What is it costing you if you want to do this?

I’ve shown you so you can’t unlearn what you’ve already learned here. Like, while this is not a cheap service, it’s highly valuable. And each if you were to hire all these different team members like across a year, that would be costing you more than $What about just getting a consultant to help you put together an offer? Ten grand?

all the different programs. I mean, do you have any programs? All the all the tech and marketing and branding and sales, everything I’ve been doing all these decades being pouring all of that in has been well over $that you’re accessing the background of all of this. And if you just heard this presentation tonight and you were inspired and you want to get that just the tech layer sorted, I mean, maybe you’re going to feel along with that.

Like, have you bought other programs before other software and just wants to collect? Just isn’t it time that you actually start this off on the right footing, or are you going to spend the next three years trying to figure it out? That’s waiting until ? Do you know how far and how fast this is going to go? Because if you’re not making grand a month right now, that’s what it’s costing you.

That’s that’s actually the potential here and each month that you’re not engaged with such a hot topic that’s in the media, in the press, every day. It’s all it’s becoming top of mind to people. And you can showcase these demos. So I’m inviting you to change your game where you’re accessing more than just information. You’re unlocking the future that will bring your goals into reality.

So yeah, I believe you deserve to be in the position to take care of everybody you love while becoming a source of inspiration, even to your future generations. You can finally really scale that operation to over half a million year to a million, maybe even half a million a month. The choice is yours here that this was never possible before.

Like I said, we only have these limited spots. So if this has got your attention, then we recommend that you get your application in. We’re looking for working only with those people who are, passionate, who have speed. They have networks, the kind of personality that’s going to resonate with this kind of tech. It’s the proper fit and the energy for it.

So if that’s you, we’d love to talk with you because we’re not just offering a service, we’re offering a partnership. So you don’t just adapt to the future, you create it with us is the truth is, I will dramatic impact your life anyway. You know that. And now it’s the choice for you. You get to decide how that happens.

I’ve got one last little thing. Remember I told you we’ve got some real, really interesting innovations in the wings, okay? This is something that we’re going to be releasing very soon, and it’ll only be for agencies. Okay. So if that wasn’t enough, that whole our infrastructure, the calling, the CRM integrations, the automations, imagine having this. You’re going to have a tool agency partners I’m speaking to you the future agency partners.

You’re going to have a tool in your pocket. You’ll have it on your phone. You’ll be able to take, you know, your standard, audio recording when you go into a meeting. We’re calling this the mind map meetings. Okay. You’ll be able to put down the recording as the meeting is going on. You tell them, you say, hey, I’m just going to record this.

At the end of the meeting, you press the button, you’ll upload that audio file and in seconds. I’m not kidding. Is that actually I’m running this right now. It turns the whole meeting into a mind map. Those of you who are visual, you can see there on the screen the example there, it turns out that is literally what it’s doing.

That’s an example of it. It converts the whole meeting. Imagine you as the agency partner, going at the into meetings and asking them how their operations work. That’s why we’re giving this to you, and you’re going to sell it to them, because when they see this, they’re going to want to have this internally, but you’re going to show them, wow, I’m here with my AI assistant in phone recording the meeting, turning it into, I just touch and say, oh, wow.

And then that’s not all guys. After it turns it into the mind map. This is helping you close the client. That’s why this is going to be powerful. You press the next button and it takes the mind map and converts it into a complete specification. Okay. And then another button, it converts the whole thing into a legal contract to sign them up.

This is going to be your game changing tool. And only this is for agencies. And companies are going to want to have this because nobody’s seen anything like this. So there’s three kinds of people in the world. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happen. So I’m recommending, I think maybe you want to be one of those who make things happen.

Okay. If you ever ask yourself, what’s the next big, big, the next big thing you just found, it is your chance to be an early adopter. It’s your chance to position yourself. So I was just really excited to showcase all of this new tech. I just want to thank everybody for being here and that you’re visionaries. The fact that you’re even looking at this right now, you are ahead of the pack.

And so, I’ll leave you with the last little this is like a, a little thought experiment I like to leave people with sometimes when you’re sort of wondering, like, too often in life, you know, it’s a bit of a strange thing. All the time. People feel that they’re too young or too old or too this or too that.

Okay. And it’s never too late. And how do we know this? Because right now there’s a year old kid that, you know, or maybe in your neighborhood, there’s somebody who’s just a young, a young kid, okay. And there’s a bunch of those in your region, in your city that in ten years time. So they’re only now and ten years when they’re they’re going to be this can be some of them who are millionaires with this AI tech.

You you agree with that? I think that’s the case. Would you agree that there are some they’ll even be some who are millionaires with real estate or different opportunities right now. But they’re only right now. So that year old kid, they’re not a millionaire, but they will become so some of them will. And through the same opportunity that you’re looking at right now and they’re not there yet for ten more years.

So do you have a head start on them? This is how you can get yourself over the gap over the the gap year of like, oh, well, do I really have an opportunity? Yes you do, because even if you’re not techie, that’s what we’re here for. And you now information is power. You have the information. You can actually see the future because we’ve we’ve revealed to you today.

So if you’re inspired step up. We’d love to work with you.

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