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AI Agents Platform

The above 24 minutes video presentation focuses on the potential of AI in the business world, highlighting the opportunities and challenges it presents. Barnaby Andersun, found of ChatCapital speaks here on the importance of positioning oneself for an AI-driven world, as AI is growing exponentially. He goes on to discuss the challenges businesses face in implementing AI, such as scaling and leveraging AI to improve customer service. We highly recommend you watch all of this as it provides insights into the benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, scalability, and the ability to provide personalized customer experiences. But most importantly it reveals how you can profit from starting AI Calling now.

Key Points Discussed

  1. AI automation for lead generation, appointment setting, money collecting, and sales.
  2. Advanced AI technology that books high-value calendar appointments directly into the CRM.
  3. Done-for-you AI voice agent calling systems.
  4. Full 360-degree view of customers, including customer journeys, personalized email marketing, data analytics, AI calling bots, workflow automation, knowledge and case management for customer service, and chat bots.
  5. CRM platform with a drag-and-drop website builder for funnels or landing pages that each come with A/B split testing and web forms.
  6. AI-powered voice systems for conversational AI, revolutionizing sales outreach and customer interactions.
  7. AI infrastructure implementation architects, making the impossible possible.
  8. Benefits of AI, such as increased efficiency, scalability, and personalized customer experiences.
  9. Opportunities and challenges of AI in the business world, with insights on positioning for an AI-driven world.
  10. Scaling and leveraging AI to improve customer service.


The ChatCapital AI Agents Platform video is a must-watch for businesses looking to understand and leverage the power of AI in their operations.

The 24-minute presentation, led by Barnaby Andersun, Founder of ChatCapital, offers insights into the opportunities and challenges of AI in the business world. It covers the importance of positioning your business for an AI-driven world, as AI is growing exponentially.

The video also discusses the challenges businesses face in implementing AI, such as scaling and leveraging AI to improve customer service. By watching this video, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits of AI, including increased efficiency, scalability, and the ability to provide personalized customer experiences.

Moreover, the video reveals how you can profit from starting AI Calling now, making it a compelling reason for businesses to explore the potential of AI in their operations. Key points discussed include AI automation, lead generation, voice agent calling systems, and a full 360-degree view of customers, including customer journeys, personalized email marketing, data analytics, AI calling bots, workflow automation, knowledge and case management for customer service, and chat bots.

The ChatCapital AI Agents Platform video provides a comprehensive overview of how AI can transform your business, making it a valuable resource for any business looking to stay ahead of the curve in the AI-driven world.

A.I. Agents Platform Transcript

Discover ChatCapital, the ultimate automation platform for lead generation. Appointments. Setting money collecting and sales.

Our advanced AI technology books high value calendar appointments directly into the CRM with a fully implemented done for you service offering, where we set you up so that AI can start qualifying your leads, setting sales appointments and scaling your operations using AI voice and chat bots that both save and make you money.

Our team at ChatCapital are your AI infrastructure implementation architects making the impossible possible.

Now that I’ve taken you through a quick overview on what ChatCapital is about, I’d like to walk you through what’s on the home page where we discuss how conversational AI can produce better results than a person.

Here ChatCapital offers AI automation, lead generation, voice agent calling systems that are done for you.

This is more than just about qualifying more leads to book more appointments it’s about how we can scale your operations through working with us. It’s about how we do the tech for you. Setting up your AI voice and chat bots that can even replace roles and save you money.


Yet you can test this out for yourself.

So you can just click the big green button, open up and actually have the AI give you a demo call. You just enter in your name, email, phone number, click the terms and you get the test call coming right back to you. Within a few seconds, you’ll be able to speak directly to the AI.

In fact, you’ll be talking to an AI avatar version of Barnaby. With this you’re going to get to see exactly how powerful this is. You can also get the AI to Call you from up in the menu bar at the top of the page.


The next thing I’m inviting you to do is to book a time on the calendar. You can get to that up there in the menu bar as well. Book a time so that we can have a conversation and discuss with you exactly how we can help you. You can obviously also book the appointment a bit below and watch the video, which is what you’re actually doing right now.

Just the same as on this page here, you can click the Watch Video button there as well.

Next on the home page you can see there’s an example of how we’re building out some of the chat bots, some of the software that we’re using in building out these systems for you. Plus the technologies that we’re using. More general information that you can read about how we’re actually helping you.


This is an example here of one of the the lead magnet funnels that we have that we can set up for you to generate more leads and sales coming in that the ads going into a funnel. We’d be warming up the prospects through a whole series of touch points that include the SMS’s here, plus the emails autoresponders.

And then following this, we’d be having the AI agent calling them. These are the calls and booking appointments from the AI calls. It’s an example of what we’d be doing for you in the done for you service to build up a systemized, nonstop flywheel of perpetual profits for your organization.


Now, when we come down here, you’re going to be able to listen to an example of how the AI agents sound. And I’m just going to play that for you right now so that you can get a little glimpse of what it’s like when you actually are pushing these AI calls out to your database and having a call generate leads and sales.

What’s up Joey?
Hey, how’s it going?
Hey, it’s going good. Thanks for asking. So, my name is Jessica. I’m actually an artificial intelligence from Investor Fuse. My boss is a local investor, and he’s currently looking to buy a property in your area. I know this might be a bit unexpected, but I was wondering if you might have a property you’re considering selling.
Now let’s talk about your property. Can you tell me about its general condition?
Yeah, we are in good condition.
Yep. Are there any major or minor repairs that need to be done?
Just a small repair on the kitchen.
Got it. How long have you owned the property?
About three years.
Is anyone living in the property right now? Yeah, just me and my wife.

So what you can see here is with the AI agent. It’s definitely not a pre-recording. This is a fully interactive phone call that is a full conversation. That’s why we’re calling it conversational AI. So that goes for about three minutes. I’ll let you come and have a listen to that.


Now there are 4 audits on this page that will actually show you how you can calculate the kind of savings that we’re talking about here from the AI.

So in this particular first one, this is going through an example of staffing reps. These are hired staff in your organization and in this example you can change of these figures. It starts with ten staff working eight hours a day at $25 per hour, five days a week.

So you can see here the total here at a cost of $10,000 per week for all 10 staff. And these are the making calls for you, making sales appointments, so that the whole group of them all ten, eight hours, that’s hours of paid wages to all those reps. So that’s actual phone hours for all the reps, because what the stats show is that on average, actually people only are on the phone for less than three hours, more like 2.7 hours per day because they’re dealing with so many other elements.

And and so even though you’re paying somebody the 40 hours per week, they’re not actually being paid to do phone calls all the time. And so however, you’re still fronting the $200 per rep per day. So the cost of the ten, when you add all that together, it’s actually, $10k as a weekly expense.

Now, how would it work if we switched that over, just as an example to, let’s call it ten AI agents calling, and they’re only only being paid out for the hours that they’re actually on the phone. We’re trying to match it with this. So because of the per minute rate and we have it here at 2.7 hours per day starts at $0.19 per minute.

But you can buy up minutes in bulk. And so at this example it’s $0.19 per minute for the AI calling. So for five days on average it will be $30 per day per AI Agent and for the ten agents, it’ll be costing $1500 per week.

What that works out at, when you drill it down is over an 80% percentage saving, and you’re still getting the same amount of calls going out. I’m inviting you to play around with this.


When it comes down to the next calculator, the return on investment of AI calling costs.

If you start off with $50 of calling credits each AI rep that’s calling it would actually equal 250 minutes or 4 hours. So this is the minimum that you’d be purchasing. The average call length being five minutes for calling agents.

You could do 1000s of calls per hour with the system. So if your product or service was $100 and these AI calling agents were getting a 15% lead qualification, and then your sales reps were able to close them at 30%, you would generating revenue against the $spent, which is an ROI of 350%.

Now, how many times would you spend $50to get $225? You’d be doing that all the time. Now that’s on a $100 product. What if your product was actually $500? Now you’ve made over $1100 and over 2000% ROI, and that’s just on $50 of credit. This can obviously go all the way because this is a sliding scale here where the cost is getting less per minute.

Now, at $5k of pre-purchased minutes, it’s down to $0.17 per minute. But look at how many calls you’ve pushed through for the $5000 of credits… you’ve pushed through over 6000 AI calls, each at five minutes. You could do that in in day, and it’s generated according to this on a $500 product. $136k or 2500% ROI.

Look at all that you can play around with these stats however you like. Now if we just take it back  to a $50 product again. You’ve still spent $5000 on the AI calling per minute for calls, but it’s generated over $13,000 in revenue, 164% ROI.

And obviously, you can just keep on pushing this all the way. If you really wanted to go completely out there and do 40k calls on a $50 product, according to these stats here, you would have generated $90k according to the 15% qualified leads coming through on a $20k spend.

So play around with these these stats here. I just wanted to walk you through so you could understand how this works and what actually happens once you have those calls going through.


They can connect directly up with a CRM calendar. Every single entry goes into the CRM. Everything is logged. You can see the appointment setting, all the call notes go in and this is happening automatically from the AI, even sending back SMSs and even emails.


Anything can be automated with this incredible system so that we’re taking raw leads, making them into viable, nurtured, active all the way into hot and closed one sales. Everything is listed out here for you on how this works.

This is an example of how our workflows work with creating triggers in the fully automated CRM system, we’re able to make any kind of actions that you could even imagine happen.

This particular one here is showing Instagram ads. This is with Instagram ads going to up a funnel. And then anybody who places a message into the Instagram ad, they instantly get a message back or from within the CRM.

So the CRM is sending back messages directly to them from the Instagram ad, and then after that, it can also send them an email, an SMS, and even a direct eye phone call to check them for lead qualification.


Can you imagine how powerful this is? This is how everything works inside the ChatCapital platform, where you have a full 360 degree view of the customers taking people on customer journeys, personalized email marketing, data analytics, AI, calling bots, workflow automation, knowledge and case management for customer service, even chat bots and customer service tracking.


Down here, in the right hand bottom corner, we have our own AI chat bot and you can see here you can just type in any message, any question that you might have about what I’m talking about.

And because this chat bot is open 24/7 and it is trained on everything that is in this website, you can ask it any question that you want and it will respond just like a person because it too is working off. The GPT large language model so we can understand context and nuance and questions via text. So it’s not only through voice, we also have all of this through text chats as well.

And this is just showing you how complex we can make some of these full automation systems that you might want to build out to automate your entire process.

This is a really interesting video that’s going to get you super fired up and excited about everything that you can do to profit from this new AI revolution that we’re seeing.


Have a read through this. here’s the next calculator on accounts receivable. This is a direct profit generating center that many businesses actually just lose money on in this particular example, what I’m walking you through is if your company or just imagine a company that has $1 million in annual earnings, but they have a 5% of past outstanding invoices.

So there’s always this constant every month, 5% earnings that are past due. Well, normally there’d be this department. And in this particular example, whenever you can change any of these figures here, that there was one staff member and they’re obviously working eight hours a day getting paid in this example, $20 an hour, five days a week. So there’s the hours the previous example of the hours per day.

They’re actually only working less than 13 hours per week of the as in direct contact calls. Can you imagine how tiring and even sometimes demoralizing it could be to be chasing all those people all the time, every single day? They’re actually costing $160 per day, or $40k per year just to be running this one person in this department. Now, maybe your company has more or less or a bigger staff are doing this.

This is just an example. The accounts receivable department is $40k a year with that one staff member, but they’re chasing $50k.

Look at the difference it can make with the AI agent. Still, again, only working to 2.7 hours per day and five days a week, and instead of it being $160 per day, it’s down to $30 per day for that AI agent based upon the $0.19 per minute, over 80% cost savings.

And instead of $40k per year, the whole year of chasing those accounts receivables is just down to a little over $7.5k.

Plus the AI are relentless. They never get tired. They never get demoralized. They, you know, constantly on the job. Every single moment that you’re having them. They can be calling those outstanding invoices every day. If you want, and basically pushing those people to pay.

And when you combine it with the other automations of the SMS and the emails, you can see how this can become a very powerful department inside your company. That is always making sure that you never have any outstanding invoices. 


This is showing you an audit on what you are probably possibly already spending on other apps inside your company.

This is just showing you how sometimes things might be costing you many more hundreds or even thousands of dollars. All of these particular tools and services that are listed, all inside the ChatCapital CRM that we have here for you with our AI calling agents.

Plus this can fit in with your existing CRM. You don’t have to change that if you don’t want to, but if you want to leverage off the full automation system that we have here.

Then you can get access to the full services that we have, where you’re going to have a CRM that can easily replace the functionality that you have in Salesforce or HubSpot without all the funnel, the funnel building website building that you might have with something like Clickfunnels or even WordPress or Wix.

You get all the email marketing functions that you have with another service provider like MailChimp or ActiveCampaign, all the SMS marketing that goes both ways, like you have with 2Way, plus the booking appointment calendar, like you have the Calendly, all the workflow automations like you have with HubSpot, the reputation management like you have with sprout, the community membership like you have with school, or even Hootsuite, the social media posting, the courses that they can build out with teachers, all the support helpdesk like at Zendesk, the live chat like an intercom.

There’s so many more like analytics, dashboards, documents, signing, like DocuSign.

All of this is included inside the ChatCapital CRM platform. You get extra and so much more. There’s well over 300 features that you can access, so you get all of these apps inside this one overall platform.

So this platform has everything. What we have here is incredible. You will be blown away by the kind of result we take care of all the tech.

You don’t even have to worry about the tech. We build it for you, we implement it and you see the appointments being set. You see those sales coming in. We are about producing results for you.


This is more about how we actually the technology works, where the text to speech and speech to text, how the AI listens. 

You can even track this on your mobile phone where all the lead to coming. How good would you be feeling when you’re just checking it and you’re seeing all these stats?

ChatCapital the only platform that you need to make it all happen. We have all of our details here on the pricing. This blog post for you to read, and there’s a whole FAQ section.


And you can see there’s like lots of questions if you wanted to have it. Or you can just open the chat bot and ask it anything. And if you are even multilingual.

Also it’s not only English and that’s the bottom of the page.


Now I’d like to take you on a bit of a deeper dive into the full automation of how the CRM platform that we have works.

If you want to see how it works, then stick around. I’m going to walk you through that over the next five minutes.

It’s thanks to the magic of our fully integrated CRM platform with AI, which includes a drag and drop website builder for funnels or landing pages that each come with a B split testing and web forms, plus surveys too.

Not to mention being built on the powerful Google Cloud ecosystem for fast speed. As if that wasn’t enough. Our full platform also has over features that can literally replace nearly all of your other software systems with just chat capital. Want to see drag and drop email builder? Check as SMS marketing with drip campaigns? Check. Reputation management? Check.

Two way text messaging. That’s just like a cell phone, but with pictures as well as a unified conversations inbox for email, SMS, social media integration like Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs, Google My business chat, live website, chat widget all in one single unified conversations inbox. Our AI powered chat bot is designed to transform your online business experience. It’s not just any chat software, it’s your all in one solution for engaging visitors, generating leads and converting customers.

Our chat bot connects with your visitors in real time the moment they land on your website, and even allows you to text leads immediately after they leave your site to ensure the conversation keeps going. Chat capital funnels all your messages from different apps live web chat, online forms, WhatsApp, emails, plus SMS into this unified inbox.

And here’s the best part. Our live web chat bot isn’t just a lead generator, it’s also a customer service tool. Our AI powered chat bot can answer prospects in real time, automatically responding to common questions /This frees up your team to tackle more complex customer inquiries. Plus, our message notifications ensure a fast response to customers quickly and conveniently.

Either from our AI bot you in the office or you on the go with our mobile app,

You can assign messages to your internal team for quick resolution. Full access to all inquiries with their conversation histories. So as a team, you can collaboratively solve customer issues. Chat capitals AI is built right into our web chat bot, making it the obvious choice for a business looking to convert more website visitors into leads and then customers.

We also have these features. Text to pay. Unlimited calendars, appointment meeting reminders. Automatic review requests. Powerful and fully customizable workflow automations engine allowing you to set up almost any rules to automate almost anything.

Voice mail drops, opportunities pipeline, analytics dashboard, reporting automated, call recording. Phone dialer. Missed call. Text back.

ChatCapital is truly the ultimate all in one sales and marketing CRM built just for businesses like yours.

From social media management to CRM with a sales pipeline. It’s designed to be your comprehensive solution. You can engage with customers directly through website chat bots or reach out proactively without SMS marketing.

Phone system and auto dialer need to gather client feedback or book appointments online. You know we’ve got that covered too. Maybe you want to offer training courses. Our membership and course builder gives you a complete LMS. So using our automated lead nurture sequence email means that you can forget about having to log in and out of multiple platforms to respond to your customers.

ChatCapital even lets you manage invoices and payments with a few clicks. This frees up your time for what matters most. Growing your business with check capital. You can keep an eye on your brand’s image with our review and reputation management tool, because we know how important it is to secure consistent reviews

Use our advanced reporting and analytics tools to track your growth and measure your success as you start to scale your operations in brand new ways, including using our AI foreign agents to call thousands of people whenever you want to. It’s a totally new way to think about business, where you are no longer limited by the amount of staff or time that you have.


Our AI infrastructure enables you to call /to almost any country worldwide. This lets you open up totally new markets that you had never dreamed possible. Imagine freeing up more time to focus on what truly matters your customers, your service, and the heart of your business. No more juggling multiple platforms.

Just one comprehensive solution that simplifies your sales and marketing efforts. Remember, we have a complete done for you system that takes care of everything. So you don’t have to worry about the tech. If that sounds good to you.


Book an appointment with us today right here on the site, and let us show you how Chat Capital can automate your business to amplify your results. But before you go, I just want to ask you, could you tell which was the real me and which was the AI avatar? Barnaby? You might have to watch it again to find out.

Let me give you a hint.
Things started with me and went I from there, including right now. So if you were as blown away by what we can do with this tech as we are. Don’t delay. Get in touch today.
And test this AI calling for yourself over at Chat Capital.

Click the call AI button, enter your number and you’ll get an instant call back to your phone where you will speak to an AI agent.

Right now. You’ll hear for yourself just how powerful this new tech is. Imagine the impact it can make to your business. We’re ready to implement and get this set up for you. Booked at appointment and we’ll talk to you soon.

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