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ChatCapital is the solution you need right now...

Maybe You Feel Stuck?Not Enough HoursNot Enough StaffNot Enough CapitalNot Enough LeadsNot Enough SalesNot Enough Traffic
Switch Grind To Growth

Relate To Any Of That? We Got You. ChatCapital Is For Anyone Wanting to Scale Their Earnings Or For Anyone Feeling Stuck At Their Level… Have Us Literally Remove The Roadblocks Through Our Fully Automated Done For You (DFY) A.I. Implementation... Make Use Of The Insights From Our Data Growth Specialists To Leverage Your Company To The Max

If you've ever wished you could clone yourself now we can with A.I. automation.

We Build You A Non-Stop Flywheel For Perpetual Profits

Listen to A.I. Automatically Qualify a Lead

3 minute call where the AI agent sets the appointment for the real estate lead
AI Call Recording Example

Live Lead Gen Call

Our voice AI calling agents generate real time replies and collect answers that go directly into your CRM database (or use CRM).

  • Can connect into any CRM
  • Can talk for up to 30 mins
  • Can talk on any topic
  • Can book calendar appointments

A.I. Calls = Over 350% ROI

A.I. Calls Deliver Over 350% ROI

Calculate ROI on A.I. Calling Volume

You purchase extra calling minutes after you get started with ChatCapital's A.I. Calling where you either purchase a DFY (Done For You) implementation package, or get the DIY PRO pack, see pricing here.
Enter into the calculator below your product/service price that you charge.
And modify % qualification from how many call minutes and sales closed.

Watch this short 2 minute video on how this calculator works.

A.I. Can Save You 84%

Calculate Staff Savings After A.I.

A.I. Can Save 84%

Human reps can cost 650% more than ChatCapital A.I. Agents

ChatCapital A.I. Agent Call pricing starts at US$0.20 per min… with pre-paid bulk can come down to US$0.10 per min

When you work with ChatCapital’s full A.I. Automation system implementation investment is the same as one weeks wages example above for 10 staff, implemented with full A.I. setup Done For You from $10,500.

  • A.I. Calling with Automated SMS Integration
  • A.I. Appointment Setting Calendar Bookings
  • A.I. Always on Making/Taking Calls 24/7
  • A.I. Voicemail Detection
  • A.I. Integrations Into Your Systems
  • A.I. Agents Can Transfer To Live Agents
  • Real Time CRM Analytics
  • 1 M+ A.I. Conversations Handled
  • A.I. Call Agents Recordings & Notes To CRM
Review our ChatCapital A.I. agent calling rates. Play around by entering your own figures!
Compare customer service reps staff costs verses A.I. infrastructure investment that never sleeps.

Watch this short 2 minute video on how this calculator works.

Boost Profits When A.I. Calls Automatically Book Leads

Boost Profits When A.I. Calls Automatically Book Leads

A.I. Calls Book CRM Calendar Appointments

Leads get called from website enquiries or your DB, then ChatCapital A.I. automatically creates the contact, books the calendar appointment while the A.I. agent is on the call at their preferred date and time and then the A.I. writes up all the call notes (with a recording) all with zero human oversight.
This is how you do appointment setting fully automated.
Say goodbye to losing sales

Everything you need for your business to succeed + support

Our AI-powered Digital Agents automate the routine and repetitive conversations handled by live agents, freeing your live agents to provide value where they’re most needed.

Whether you need help with calling, scaling, marketing, content creation, design, or data analysis, our tools will empower you to achieve scale at a speed you didn't know was possible.

Book an appointment with our AI and get a call back to confirm your best time so that you can find out how Voice AI can increase your profits.

ChatCapital A.I. CRM Workflows that Automatically Send Replies or Calls to Any Type of Enquiry

Build Simple or Complex Workflows
Automated Follow Ups

We have the system to create whatever customer journey you can imagine.

We map out your internal processes for managing leads, onboarding customers, replying to social media DMs, upselling even online education, and so much more.

  • Visiting your webpage triggers a chatbot
  • That invites an appointment booking
  • Which triggers an SMS confirmation
  • With an automated follow up email
  • And then an AI voice call on the day
  • All automatically 24/7...

Don't Miss Out on A.I. Profits in 2024

Watch this short video that explains why the AI opportunity is so big for your business in under 10 minutes.
Watch this short video on why AI is so big for your business in under 10 minutes.

On November 30th 2022, the world was forever changed with the release of ChatGPT, a free artificial intelligence (AI) tool that allows anyone to have a conversation with AI. This revolutionary technology, known as Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), gained one million users in just 5 days, a feat that took Facebook and Instagram 2 years.

ChatGPT is a type of technology that helps machines or computers do things that normally need a human brain to do stuff like learning, solving problems, making decisions, and understanding what we see or hear. The thing that made the release of ChatGPT so wild is that it democratized access to AI for the first time, because it had an interface that we could all use… chat. They created a massive Large Language Model (LLM) that allowed the GPT to understand our prompts and queries, and be able to translate back and from machine speak, gettin us the answer, and then retranslated back to us in human speech. That is what made it so powerful, because now all of us could use it.

This democratization of AI through ChatGPT has allowed anyone to use it, and it has already proven to be a powerful tool that can generate words, sentences, paragraphs, articles, and even entire books. It can write legal documents, sales scripts, video scripts, and more. The possibilities are endless, and the only limitation is our ability to ask the right questions. The trick is, you have to know what to ask, and the right ways to ask it. While it’s a powerful tool, most have only scratched the surface of what is possible with this type of A.I.

But the future of A.I. is not just about generating words or images.  Because now the A.I. has continued to advance in the past months, such that it can now also interpret images, videos and sounds, and even entire experiences, including full conversations with people. This technology is already disrupting industries, including marketing, finance, and even the legal profession. With the ability to process and learn from vast amounts of data, AI can create personalized experiences that are tailored to our preferences, including ones that are indistinguishable from real people.

One of the most significant areas that AI is going to completely turn on its head is the nature of work itself. 

The best sales guy is only going to have so much experience compared to the best AI sales agent who has the entire history of all other human and AI sales material to draw upon in an instant. And so the A.I. can make calls 24 hours a day in real time to whatever prospect you want. You can even imagine a world where you ask the phone teller, “Hey, are you a human?” And when they say, “No, I’m AI” you’re actually feel relieved because you’re like, “Thank goodness I’m talking to the knowledgable agent on this who is able to handle my problem right now.”

The impact of AI on work, business operations, and the economy as a whole is set to become significant. While some may fear this change, it is essential to understand the impact of AI on work, business operations, and the economy as a whole. A.I. is not here to replace all of us. Instead, it is here to supercharge our abilities and help us achieve more than we ever thought possible. By adopting the mentality that AI is here to help us, we can embrace the change and use it to our advantage.

AI is more than just a tool to help machines perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It is a technology that can learn, solve problems, make decisions, and understand what we see and hear.

AI is set to be the most significant shift in our lifetime, and it has the potential to disrupt every aspect of our lives. By understanding the impact of AI on work, business operations, and the economy, we can embrace the change and use it to our advantage. The genie is out of the bottle. AI is here. This future is not something to fear, but something to embrace.

A.I. Calls Collect Money and Chase Invoices

A.I. Calls Collect Money Chase Invoices

Compare accounts receivable verses AI systems that never stop pursuing outstanding invoices. Free up your staff to do more productive work that they actually enjoy.
Review our ChatCapital AI agent calling rates. Play around by entering your own figures!

Watch this short 2 minute video on how this calculator works.
A New Kind of System Choice > > A.I. Automaton & Marketing

ChatCapital A.I. Gives You Flexibility.

Use Staff When You Need Them. 

A.I. Systems When You Don’t.

A.I. Powered Calling

Our A.I. voice bots are designed to respond like a person and complete tasks, including automatically send follow-up SMS post-call to engage and convert your leads effectively.

A.I. DFY - Done For You

Take away the technical headaches by having us build out your automated systems and new A.I. agents to handle both inbound customer response and outbound sales with telephony and text chat.


Our text and voice calling bots have the ability to naturally understand and respond in different languages to enable your business to expand your reach to a wider audience.

Support + Content

Not able to create the content or engagement you want to? ChatCapital can generate any kind of content from videos and blog posts to email newsletters and social media postings.

ChatCapital A.I. Agents Assisting Your Customers 24/7

Calculate Your Tech Running Costs

Review what you are spending (or might spend) on a full e-commerce system setup. Check if you have all of these features running as separate tools for your business.

Now imagine putting all of this into running ONE unified dashboard system complete with A.I. systems that never stop growing your business pursuing profits and leads automatically 24/7.

Watch this short 2 minute video on how this calculator works.

You Get All Of These Apps Functions In One Unified System At ChatCapital


Meet Your New Intelligent A.I. Agents

6 out of 10 customers make purchase decisions based on customer service. ChatCapital.AI delivers life-like voice agents with personalized interactions that pick up on any and all the callers previous information and history into memory.

ChatCapital Conversational AI

AI Voice Breakthrough

Our AI-powered Digital Agents automate the routine and repetitive conversations handled by live agents, freeing your live agents to provide value where they’re most needed. 

  • Speech recognition
  • Language Processing
  • Generative AI speaks
Putting You In Control

Track Analytics

Gain insights into daily customer satisfaction, agent performance, with detailed analytics and reporting. Our real-time metrics train our AI agents to  identify customer pain points, and improve overall customer experience.

Growth Beyond Your Borders

+12 Languages

Ability to understand and generate content in different languages allows your business to expand your reach internationally into any market and appeal to a wider audience.

Legally Compliant Systems

Security and Compliance

ChatCapitals systems adhere to the highest standard of data security and privacy, boasting HIPAA compliance and SOC 2 Type 2 in progress to ensure your operations are always secure.

Dialed in AI for Real World Use Cases Today

How is This Even Possible?

A.I. across these past 60 years has lead to the ability for A.I. to speak and communicate just like a person.

ChatCapital Built-in Integrations

Use Powerful Automations For Lead Management

Attract more clients with a true marketing system. ChatCapital is not a traditional CRM, it's a marketing platform that generates leads and automates moving them through the conversion process. Build funnel and landing pages, powerful automations, two way SMS... there's literally nothing our platform cannot do.

Generate AI content even in different languages

Never get writers block or creatively stuck again, ChatCapital’s CRM marketing automation platform enables you to use A.I. to generate new content including articles, newsletters, blogs and sales funnels complete with images and design templates.  

Track Client Purchases and Database Activity

Track all your customers and leads activity in the CRM, with all comments across social media, emails, SMS and purchasing in one unified CRM platform. Monitor a wide range of data points, including traffic, user behavior, sales revenue, and control user access.

Full Ecommerce and Affiliate/Referral System

ChatCapital offers a robust e-commerce platform complete with affiliate management to incentivize your database to share your products and services, which all plugs into our secure electronic payment gateways that work with our built in funnels and shopping cart for a complete delivery system.

Smile and watch all those new leads getting automated replies without you having to lift a finger

Get more than 2x leads and grow your customer base 2x-4x faster with ChatCapital’s all-in-one AI plus CRM marketing & sales automation, that includes automated sms, social media posting, email newsletters & website funnels. Want to know the best part, we handle all the tech setup and management, so that you can focus on the results.

Flexible Pricing.

Flexible and affording plans tailored to your needs. Save up to %20 for a limited time.

ChatCapital CRM
Join This Plan

DIY (do it yourself) complete CRM automation platform so that you can manage everything.

  • PLUS SETUP $400*
  • No Access to A.I. Calling
  • Business Automation Builder
  • A.I. Content Generation
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Help Support Desk
ChatCapital CRM + Calls
Join This Plan

DIY (do it yourself) CRM automation + A.I. Calling so that you can manage everything.

  • PLUS SETUP $600*
  • A.I. Calling + $50 Mth Credits
  • Business Automation Builder
  • A.I. Content Generation
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Help Support Desk
ChatCapital DFY A.I.
Join This Plan

DFY (done for you) automated A.I. calling implementation setup for your business to get results.

  • Onboarding Setup DFY
  • A.I. DFY Calls +$1000 Credit
  • A.I. Business Automation DFY
  • A.I. Content Generation DFY
  • Analytics and Reporting DFY
  • Help Account Manager
  • Inc. 12 Months CRM Access

Look At What Else You Get

Here are 40+ apps out of the 300+ business automation tools included in ALL plans on ChatCapital’s platform.
Plus you still have the ability to setup Integrations with 100’s of other tools if you need to.

12 Month Success Guarantee

We are so confident you’ll love the profits and power generated by ChatCapital’s business automation platform that we are offering you our 12-month money back success guarantee. If you don’t make at least as much back as you spent on the ChatCapital platform after a full year of monthly use while following our instructions, we’ll give you a refund.
Try us risk-free and unlock your business’s full potential today!

The Platform You Need To Make It All Happen

Learning new systems, tools and software is an investment of money, but mostly time. Feel confident that you can diver deeper and deeper into expanding your operations with ChatCapital. You can run as many companies, projects, startups, MVPs, with an unlimited number of team and staff as you want. This is your one stop shop to bring about automation operational excellence to every endeavor you can conceive of for the coming years.

We’re here as your tech partner, in a decade unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Our mission at ChatCapital is to enable entrepreneurs worldwide… YOU to live your purpose, while equipping you with the tools and Done For You (DFY) infrastructure needed to realize your full potential as fast as humanly possible so you can get to experience & enjoy life’s greatest gift → Time.

Stay up-to-date

Latest A.I. News

FAQHelp Center

Have Any Questions?

You can go through any of these FAQs below, or you can start a live A.I. text chat by clicking the bottom right corner green chat button.

Right now open up a live chat with our support system and get instant assistance from our A.I. powered help desk, and see in real time how much quicker it can be to handle support requests using A.I.


CRM A.I. Platform Built for a Multilingual World 

For the vast majority of companies, building A.I. systems from the ground up would take significant resources, and require a whole team of senior engineers a year to achieve similar functionality to what you have with ChatCapital A.I. Get started today and leverage what we've built for you.


We Leverage Your Business With A.I. Automation

Start today and experience the power of A.I. for yourself

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